This blog will mostly have two themes, first and foremost it will be a coupon/savings/deal blog.
Over the past year and a half or so I found that I had to start getting creative if I was going to be able to afford all the things I needed on an average shopping trip. I couldn't tell my dog he couldn't eat this week because I needed shampoo. This is where coupons came into my life. While I enjoyed my new hobby, I quickly discovered that almost every blog I came across for tips and deals were not aimed at me, I had to weed through a lot of diaper deals and weekly meal plans and children's toy sales to find the sales that were relevant to me.
I'm 25. I'm single. I have no children, unless you count my 3 year old dog, but he's thankfully house trained. I'm a full time student and only occasional part time job holder. I like to drink and dance but can't always afford to go out because even shopping for one can get expensive. This blog is going to be my attempt to show a different point of view in the mommy blog dominated savings blog world.
It's still going to be a work in progress for a while but I plan to bring you simple deals that anyone can easily obtain with little effort. I will teach you how to shop at the drug stores, and how to hopefully at least cut your grocery budget in half and have fun doing so. I had a friend comment to me once last year that I was the most active broke person he knew, he couldn't understand how I was hardly making much, but was still able to hold down a social life. Coupons is why! I also want to eventually bring you happy hour listings and a craft corner of sorts and maybe a cooking for one feature. I hope you will enjoy how this little blog that could grows over the next year.
The second theme will be that this blog will document my journey as a Walt Disney World College Program Internship participant! I have been accepted as a Merchandise Cast Member for the Fall '11 season. I arrive at Vista Way on August 10th.
As a CP, you're not in it for the money but the experience. The paychecks are small, so I hope to help teach you fellow CP's how to make the most of that Publix or Walgreens trip so you can have some extra spending money. What good will our CM discount be, if we have no money to use it with!
I still have 5 months until I depart for FL, so I plan to share how I'm getting ready for the program as well as my favorite Disney things and any other fun I can conjure up along the way.
While in FL, I plan to share with you some of my exciting work experience and adventures.
If there's anything you'd like to see on here, don't hesitate to let me know!